Register for the PowerSchool Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is your way to stay up to date with your child(ren)’s progress throughout the year. If you haven’t already set yourself up please reach out to Kayoe Stewart, SPR Systems for more information on how to get started.

The dashboard is the main page of the app. It contains widgets of all features that have been enabled within your district.
Features that may be displayed:
Class Overview, including the term, which will show the student’s full class schedule and the current grade.
Assignments Due shows upcoming assignments, their due date, and the type of assignment.
Assignments Graded, will show the five most recent assignments and their grade. You can select “show all” to expand the menu on another page to show all graded assignments.
Assignment Status will show missing, incomplete, and late
Attendance is where you can see all excused and unexcused absences, as well as tardies and for which class the student was late or absent.
School Bulletin will show any communications the district has chosen to notify parents.
Meal Balance & Fees is where you can see the student’s meal balance and any fees they may owe.

The Classes tab will show the student’s full schedule for the school year, split up by quarters or semester (depending on the district setup). From the individual terms, you can select a class. This will open another page that will show the teacher information and allow you to e-mail the teacher directly. From this individual class page, you can also see the current grade, absences, assignments, and standards associated with the course.

The Calendar page allows you to see the current month, with all assignments marked on the day for which they are due. You can select a day to see which assignment is due and look at past days to see the grades for the assignments submitted.

The Schedule page allows you to see the daily class schedule for the student with class timings and room number.