Some courses at FHS require students to submit an Expression of Interest. Students who wish to take the following courses, must submit an Expression of Interest form.
- Grade 10 PE Basketball
- Grade 10 PE Hockey
- Grade 10 PE Soccer
- Outdoor Education 110
- Outdoor Education 110 & Environmental Science 120 Block
- Personal Interest Courses
- Develop and Lead 110
PLEASE NOTE: Students interested in Co-op 120 (2 or 3 credits) must submit an Expression of Interest form on paper. Forms can be found below or in the Counselling Office.

Co-operative Education
Students may explore any career field (based on availability in our community) for three hours each day. After the mandatory in-class component is completed, students gain valuable on the job experience.
To express an interest in this course, print out the from below or stop in to the Counselling Office and pick up a copy.

Physical Education

Personal Interest Course
Do you have a strong interest in a particular field? This is your opportunity to explore it and increase your knowledge and skills related to your passions

Outdoor Education and Environmental Science
Students may choose to sign up for both Outdoor Education and Environmental Science and take them concurrently. Students will participate in both courses throughout the entire school year on an alternating schedule (Day1 – OE, Day 2 – ES…).

Develop and Lead
The vision for this course is to have learners discover, explore, and reflect on leadership. InΒ Develop and Lead 110, learners will have the opportunity to plan, organize, and administer projects within their schools and communities.