Please Note

1. If you are reporting a Multiple day absence, School Messenger can only accept up to a maximum of 10 days. For any absences that exceed 10 days, please reach out to the school directly:

(506) 453-5435

2. If your child is going to be absent please also reach out to their teachers to make arrangements for completing the required work (in addition to reporting the absence).

Steps in Reporting an Absence Using the Messenger App

Step 1 – Open up your School Messenger app and login

Step 2 – Click on the hamburger icon at the top left of the screen to open the app menu

Step 3 – Select Attendance to begin reporting an absence

Step 4 – Click on Report an Absence in the top right corner

Step 5 – Select Type of Absence

  • Full Day – If the student is going to be absent for the entire day
  • Late arrival – If the student is going to be late arriving
  • Early Dismissal – If the student is going to be leaving early
  • Leave and Return – If the student is going to leave but will return before the end of the day
  • Multiple Days – If the student is going to be absent for multiple days in a row (maximum of 10 days)

Step 6 – Select a reason for the absence

  1. Illness or Injury – If the student has an illness or injury that prevents them from attending school that day
  2. Medical – If the student has a medical appointment for example
  3. Other Informed Absence – Any other reason that is not listed
  4. Bereavement – If there is a loss in the family
  5. Sports Non School Related – If the student is attending a sporting event for a non school related team
  6. Absences due to Illness or Injury, Medical would require a medical note. Absences due to bereavement would require a note from a parent or guardian. This is required for teachers to support your child’s academics.

Step 7 – Provide Details of the Absence

Depending on the type absence selected, you will need to provide relevant details such as date(s) / time(s)

You can provide comments on the absence as well. These comments gets shared with the school in general and the subject teachers involved through Power School

Step 8 – Send Absence to School

When you finish, click send to submit the absence

You should see the booking show up as a planned absence in the app

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