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Thursday, February 13
St. Thomas University

STU will be in Guidance on Thursday, February 13thΒ to help students learn about scholarships for which they may be eligible at STU, and provide assistance in the scholarship application process.Β ...

Thursday, February 13
Mount Allison University

A representative from Mount Allison University will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Thursday, February 13th for On-the-Spot admissions and scholarship application assistance.

Tuesday, February 18
Girls Support Girls Society

UNB Girls Support Girls Society will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Tuesday, February 18th.

Friday, February 21
Holland College

A representative from Holland College will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Friday, February 21st.

Monday, February 24
Saint Mary's University

A representative from SMU will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Monday, February 24th.

Wednesday, February 26
McKenzie College

A representative from McKenzie College will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Wednesday, February 26th.

Thursday, February 27
Dalhousie University

A representative from Dalhousie University will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Thursday, February 27th.

Friday, February 28
Acadia University

A representative from Acadia University will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Friday, February 28th. This would be a great chance to ask questions about Acadia University, further explore...

Monday, March 17

A rep from UPEI will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Monday, March 17th.

Wednesday, March 19
Eastern College

A rep from Eastern College will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Wednesday, March 19th.

Tuesday, April 8
Cape Breton University

A rep from Cape Breton University will be in the cafeteria at lunch on Tuesday, April 8th.

Monday, May 5
University of Toronto

A rep from U of T will be in the cafeteria at 8:20 am on Monday, May 5th.