FHS Administration Office Holiday Hours: The School Main Office will be closed December 23 to 27 The office will reopen for the Holidays Dec. 30, Jan. 2 and Jan 3...
Did you know that FHS has a nurse practitioner for sexual health that comes to the school once a week? To access this free and confidential service, please submit your name in...
Transcripts can be ordered by completing a transcript order form at the school office or by emailing kathie.clark@nbed.nb.ca. When emailing your request please provide the following: What you Need to...
Please follow this link to register and pay for tryouts. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Here are the tryout times. All icetimes take place at the LBR LBR: Friday, Sept 20: 8:30-9:30...
Please allow 5 business days when requesting a transcript. Email kathie.clark@nbed.nb.ca with your request and the name of the institution where your transcript must be sent (please also include your...
Course Selection Instructions for Grade 9 Students Math Pathways PowerSchool Link to enter course selection. Expressions of Interest: Grade 10 PE – Hockey Class Grade 10 PE – Basketball Class...
PowerSchool link to enter course selections. Math Pathways Outdoor Education 110 Application Outdoor Education 120 Application Personal Interest Application
The New Brunswick Real Estate Board is excited to offer students from the Anglophone School Districts and the Francophone School Districts the chance to apply for one of four $1000 REALTORS...
Learning about the student experience is one of the most important steps to choosing a university. Mount Allison University will be holding its Winter Open House on Friday, February 28th....