Ensemble Overview
Students are expected to be prompt for rehearsals and to come prepared to focus and work hard. It is essential that students arrive to rehearsals on time. Latecomers are very disruptive to the rehearsal process. In order to facilitate regular attendance at our rehearsals, we ask that families schedule appointments around the schedule attached. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals unless excused by the director. Chronically absent students may be asked not to participate in concerts.
- Ensemble Fee: $40 per student or $70 per family
- Instrument Rental: $80 per year
This money goes toward sheet music, instrument purchase and repair, instrument-specific cleaning supplies and consumables, and other extracurricular-related purchases. Please pay by the end of October. We prefer that you make payments online at: anglophonewest.schoolcashonline.com . If there is any issue paying at this time, please let your director know.
Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Lunch (12:30PM-1:20PM) | Glee Chair (C38) | Concert Band | String Ensemble | Jazz Ensemble | |
After school (3:50PM-5:15PM) | String Ensemble | Jazz Ensemble | Glee Choir (TMT) | Concert Band |
Music Ensemble Directors
String Ensemble
Glee Choir/Production Pit Orchestra
Concert Band
Jazz Ensemble
FHS Music Parent Support Group
- Terri Lynn Grothe – Chair
- Chelsea Kozlowski – Finances
- Chelsea Kozlowski – Finances
- Sue Fisher – Photographer
- Andrew Grothe – Concert Program Guru
- Jacob Sweezey, Lisa Todd – Members at large
Sarah Callaghan, Sally Goodwin, Meghan Leroux, Alec Wang