Do you love reading? Did you just put on a play?
Do you follow politics? Do you dream of being a writer?
Do you wonder what university might be like? If so, HYP is for you!

Humanities for Young People (HYP) is a residential summer program for bright and highly-motivated students from ages 15 to 17. It takes place at the University of King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia, for one week each summer. Secondary school students from across the country will have the unique opportunity to work closely with scholars from a variety of disciplines.

Program will take place July 6–14. Students depart July 14.

Residence Student Fee: $1400
Day Student Fee: $500

The $1400 residence student fee includes accommodation, meals, academic activities and materials, field trips, and evening events.

For local students, the $500 day student model includes all the above except accommodation and breakfast (day students eat lunch and dinner with the whole cohort).

Bursaries for financial need are available. Please for more information.

Application process

Students should fill out the application form and then provide this reference form to a nonrelative (teacher, guidance counselor, coach, boss, etc.) who can recommend them for HYP.

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