Message from our Principal – Mr. Jason Burns

School Tours

 We are pleased to offer tours of FHS this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Tours begin at 3:00 PM sharp and they set out from the office.  Tours will last about 20 minutes.

First Days Next Week

We are looking forward to welcoming our Grade 9 students on Tuesday, Sept. 5th.ย  Students will want to arrive prior to 8:35 AM.ย  Once they arrive, students will make their way to the cafeteria, where tables will be set up by student last name.ย  Students will locate their table to find out who their homeroom teacher will be.ย  From there, they will move to the gym for the beginning of our Welcome assembly!ย  A reminder that ONLY GRADE 9 STUDENTS WILL ATTEND ON TUESDAY, Sept. 5th.ย  GRADES 10, 11 AND 12 WILL BEGIN ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6TH.

Students will receive their class supply lists, fees and schedules on this day

All students attend school on Wednesday, Sept 6th.  Upon arrival, students will go to their Homeroom.  Students not sure who their Homeroom teacher is can check in at the office. 

The cafeteria will be opening on Monday, Sept. 11th.

Thanks so much and I hope that you have a wonderful week!

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